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Building Automation

Industrial Automation

Power Automation & Safety

Bangladesh Distributor

SmartController EX

Robot Controllers

SmartController EX

High-performance robot motion controller capable of high-speed processing

Software ACE

The Automation Control Environment (ACE) is a PC-based software package that helps you quickly and easily set up your robot system.

about this Product Family

Type Name/Specifications Model
Robot Controller SmartController EX 19300-000
Additional I/O
IO Blox 8 inputs/8 outputs (IO Blox - connects to robot) 90356-30200
IO Blox 8 inputs/8 outputs (expansion - connects to previous IO Blox) 90356-30100
IO Blox Extension Cable, 0.30m (connects IO Blox to IO Blox) 04679-003
IO Blox Extension Cable, 3.0m (connects IO Blox to IO Blox) 04679-030
IO Blox Extension Cable, 3.0m (connects IO Blox to robot) 04677-030
Termination Block, 12inputs/8 outputs 90356-40100