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Building Automation

Industrial Automation

Power Automation & Safety

Bangladesh Distributor

DRT2-AD04(H) / DA02

Analog I/O Terminals

DRT2-AD04(H) / DA02

Performs Calculations on Analog Values within the Slave Itself. Also Provides High Resolution at 1/30,000 (Full Scale) and Support for a Wide Variety of Data Sampling.

about this Product Family

Equipped with the standard Smart Slave functions that provide powerful preventative maintenance and troubleshooting capabilities.

Sampling data can be analyzed internally to provide a low-cost scheduler function.

Equipped with functions such as the scaling function, peak/bottom hold; top/valley hold; comparator function, cumulative counter, and derivative calculation function.

Two I/O points can be allocated to any two of the following values: analog input, peak/bottom, top, valley, or rate-of-change. Values without an allocated I/O point can be read with message communications.