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Building Automation

Industrial Automation

Power Automation & Safety

Bangladesh Distributor

Display of Liquid Outflow

Case Number 305

last update: July 23, 2009

The system converts and displays the rate of outflow for water, oil, or other liquids in l/min or l/h.

A Liquid Level Sensor measures the outflow rate of water, oil, or other liquids from a pump. The K3HB-R Rotary Pulse Indicator converts and displays the momentary flow rate in l/min., l/h, or other units proportional to the input frequency.


The system uses a K3HB-R Rotary Pulse Indicator, which can perform high-speed measurement at 50 kHz.

Benefit / Efficiency

You can see the liquid flow rate at a glance.

Use Products

K3HB-R Rotary Pulse Indicator K3HB-R

Digital Rotary Pulse Meter Capable of 50 kHz Measurements

About this Application Case