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Building Automation

Industrial Automation

Power Automation & Safety

Bangladesh Distributor

Measurement of Remaining Liquid Gas

Case Number 301

last update: July 7, 2009

This application monitors the amount of liquid gas that remains by measuring the tank with a load cell.

The system measures the weight of a tank that contains liquid gas with a load cell. The K3HB-V Weighing Indicator, which is compatible with a load cell signal input, converts and displays the value. You can select two display colors for operation judgments (green and red).


The system uses a K3HB-V Weighing Indicator, which is compatible with a load cell signal input.

Benefit / Efficiency

You can see how much liquid gas remains at a glance.

Use Products

K3HB-V Weighing Indicator K3HB-V

An Ideal Indicator for OK/NG Judgements in Automated and Picking Machines, Measuring Factors such as Pressure, Load, Torque, and Weight Using Load Cell Signal Input.

About this Application Case